Starting Small is Still Starting

On Monday, I reached 10,000 minutes of meditating on Headspace.

And, as of today, I’ve meditated 867 days in a row.

I achieved the above by starting small and just showing up every day. I know this. I know how it works.

So why is it SO HARD for me to do the same thing with writing?

I don’t know.

But, while it may have taken me all damn day to finally summon the energy and courage to do [gestures hands dismissively at the above] THIS, I showed up.

And that’s still a start.

Best Laid Plans

Did I really say I’d write more “tomorrow“?

What I meant to say was “6 months from now”.

Oof. Man, I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to get back to these. I’d had all these great plans to use the momentum of writing for 30 days straight to just plow though revising my book while somehow still continuing to post here and, I don’t know, solve world hunger and now, here it is, half a year later and I’m writing these just to feel like I accomplished something – anything – creative after one of the most emotionally-draining days of my life. I’d like to write more about it soon but, for now, I just want to post this, crawl into bed with my fiance and hold her until we have to go to work tomorrow. So that’s what I’m going to do.

Sorry for the wait, gang. Thank you for your patience.